Alan, thank you for all your writing and this piece is no exception. This supports the inner work I have been doing for quite sometime. You offer additional perspective which is always helpful. I discovered you through Linda Lombardo (I am a fellow ANFT guide) and I am very grateful for the work you do and offer to the world. Peace to you.

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Thank you, Serena, for your generous words. Wonderful that you came to me through Linda. Thank you for what you bring to people through your guide work as well!

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Again such a powerful and inspiring article Alan.

To become whole and embrace all that is in me, find its support through these words.

Thanks Alan.

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Thank you, Gabriella. In a world where we have been so conditioned to keep parts of ourselves hidden or to compartmentalize our lives, living in this way is not only essential--it is liberating. It's not always easy, yet in the big picture, can be very fulfilling.

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Thanks, Alan! Another powerful and helpful piece of guidance and awareness!

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Thank you, Johnathon!

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Alan, this article is going into my "inspiration file." I love your last sentence about vulnerability and strength standing hand in hand when you bring all of yourself to the table. Thank you for giving me more excellent thoughts to contemplate!

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Thank you, Jane, I loved writing this article. The process was a gift to me. I'm glad to know it speaks strongly to you as well.

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Your essay hit home for me this morning, Alan. This is the power of a strong inner witness practice; we learn how to parent ourselves. And the poems – wow. Short enough to put in your pocket to carry around as a reminder. Thank you.

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Thank you, Cate. I've believed for years that regardless of how amazing or challenging our childhood may have been, in the end, we have to finish raising ourselves. It's part of claiming who we are and owning our gifts. And those poems--yes, so short, and so potent! Thank you again, Cate.

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Thank you for sharing all these beautiful poems that will be travelling with me today and the coming days! So good to remind myself that there is indeed space for the vulnerable part of me walking alongside the strong one :-)

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Thank you, Marie. Indeed, there is not only space for the vulnerable part of us--honoring the vulnerable within us is part of what makes our strength authentic and real.

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