More than 20 years ago, I heard Deepak Chopra say that most of the noise in the world comes from people defending their opinions. So here we are a week after the U.S. elections and there are a lot of opinions and analyses flying around out there. For my part, I’m being diligently protective of my personal space—staying close to myself and away from the noise. Which does not mean I’m withdrawing or not engaging. It means I’m being very intentional about how I engage, what I read and listen to, and what kinds of conversations I choose to be a part of. I welcome thoughtful and insightful discussion and commentary about where we are now and how we move forward. I am not interested in finger-pointing and blaming.
As the Great Breaking Open continues to intensify, so does the uncertainty. And the reality is that uncertainty is likely to increase as we enter 2025. It feels unsettling, to be sure. Safety and security, the economy, human rights, equality, justice, and well-being are on the line for many people, as well as the health of our planet. Societal boundaries are reconfiguring and unexpected coalitions are emerging. Realities that have been rumbling under the surface for a long time are finally breaking through in undeniable ways, threatening the illusions and delusions we’ve been pretending were real, even when parts of our collective psyche have known differently. The Great Breaking Open is increasingly and uncomfortably revealing and illuminating. And as uncomfortable as it is, it’s time.
There’s a whole lot of noise out there about what could happen under a new government. My daily intention is to pay just enough attention to be aware of real possibilities—possibilities that could take us backwards as well as those that could carry us forward—while at the same time, not allowing myself to get swept up in projected fear and anxiety.
Every day, I keep listening for what is mine to live, what is mine to bring forward, what is mine to give energy to now. I keep coming back to Jon Kabat-Zinn’s words: We take care of the future best by taking care of the present now. I notice that my energy and focus are narrowing and streamlining—not because I’m consciously making that choice but rather because the whole of my being seems to be recalibrating, following its own innate wisdom. And even though I don’t know where it will lead, I trust the higher wisdom within and around me.
So, I’m letting the recalibration happen. I’m not resisting, and that’s a new feeling. Which doesn’t mean I think the path ahead will be easy for me or for us together. Yet I’m committed to showing up and following the direction I am called to serve.
Our guiding mantra in Transformational Presence is:
Stand tall.
Be Love.
Shine your Light.
My friend Able says “Be the Love that you are.” For me, the Love that Able speaks of as well as the Love and Light in the Transformational Presence mantra are so much bigger than me or my own love and light. They are universal. They’re sparks of Creation expressed in unique ways through each of us. We each have our own soul mission or life purpose. We each bring our own unique talents and gifts to the world. We’re each here to learn and grow in who we are. We’re on a journey of becoming. And as we learn and grow as individuals, so does the collective. So does the mass consciousness.
In the last few days, two other mantras have emerged in my meditation. The first, and the one that inspired this article:
Know why you’re here.
Keep your focus.
Don’t get distracted by the noise.
The second is even more succinct—maybe it’s the t-shirt version:
Know what matters.
Live that.
The last few nights, I notice that I’m falling asleep with these mantras and waking up with them in the mornings. I’ve had a strong sense of focus and direction throughout much of my life, yet something is different this time. Maybe it’s my age. It’s like a sharp voice inside is saying “Stop spending your energy on anything that takes you away from why you’re here.” That message is clearer for me now than ever before.
In these early post-election days, take good care of yourself. Give yourself space for whatever you are feeling. If you are struggling, take a moment to read or listen to last Wednesday’s post again: Weep. Breathe. Stand up. Carry on. Repeat. Be compassionate with yourself and others. And then remind yourself why you are here—who you are and what is yours to do. And get busy with that. It could be a long road ahead. We can travel it together.
Free Monday Meditations on Zoom
Mondays—November 18, 25; December 2
10 am ET / 7 am PT / 16 CET for just 20 minutes
FREE —All are welcome.
Register to receive 2-day reminders and links to recordings after each session.
Alan leads a half-hour contemplative meditation service, “Touching the Sacred Within” at First Religious Society, Unitarian Universalist, in Newburyport, Massachusetts at 8 am the first Sunday of each month. All are welcome.
Thank you Alan! Lovely to listen to, with my early morning coffee, on the morning of day 1 of the TPLC UK 🙏🏻💫
I've so much appreciated your words of wisdom over the years, and now especially your calming presence. Your messages and reflections on life have always resonated for me. The posting today is especially powerful. Thank you for shining your light and love, Alan. (Roann)